Does Traditional Marketing Still Work in 2018?

You might be wondering if you should include traditional media options in your 2018 marketing plan. Many digital marketers might feel that traditional, outbound marketing techniques, such as billboards and print ads, are no longer in style. The TRUTH is that it really depends on your target audience and the purpose of your campaign. In [...]

How to Leverage User Generated Content

In 2018, user generated content is all the rage. But what exactly is it? ‘User Generated Content is defined as any type of content that has been created and put out there by unpaid contributors or, using a better term, fans.’ - TINT This can mean anything from user testimonials, photos of customers using your [...]

How to Give Your Business a ‘Spring Clean’

It’s that time of year again! The sometimes dreaded, mostly necessary act of ‘spring cleaning’. As we think about all the ways to simplify our personal lives, it’s also important to factor in how we can organize and optimize our businesses through a business spring clean. This doesn’t mean overthrowing your entire business plan, it [...]

Top 5 Tips to Increase Your Brand Visibility

Thinking of starting your own business? Perhaps you already have your business up and running and need a little support to get your brand in front of the right eyes. For countless small businesses, raising your brand visibility can be a long process. However, knowing the RIGHT ways to increase your brand visibility can help [...]

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